Does Spotify Actually Shut Down People Who Violate Family Plan

Image: Everyone vaccinated for covid will DIE, warns French virologist

(Natural News) At that place is no risk of long-term survival for anyone who received a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injection, according to leading French virologist Luc Montagnier.

Everyone who is getting jabbed for the Chinese Virus will dice, he reportedly stated during a contempo interview, which you can spotter beneath at

"At that place is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated," Montagnier stated plainly during the segment. "Nosotros must be prepared to cremate the bodies."

After studying at length the ingredients independent in the injections and what they do, Montagnier came to the conclusion that every unmarried person who gets the shot will eventually die from antibiotic-dependent enhancement, or ADE.

"That is all that can exist said," he added.

Montagnier is credited with being the first to discover HIV, past the fashion, having warned final bound that the Wuhan Flu contains artificially spliced Deoxyribonucleic acid from the autoimmune-provoking virus. It now appears as though these same alterations tin can be constitute in Chinese Virus "vaccines," which are priming people's bodies for eventual sudden decease.

Montagnier also stated last twelvemonth that the "presence of elements of HIV and germs of malaria in the genome of coronavirus is highly suspect and the characteristics of the virus could not accept arisen naturally." Information technology turns out he was right.

Wuhan Flu shots were designed to "slow kill" the masses through time-delayed death

It is 1 affair for the genetically modified (GMO) virus to be intentionally released, but a whole different thing for the medical establishment to so innovate an injection for it right in the centre of an declared "pandemic."


In Montagnier's view, this approach is an "unacceptable fault," at best, because all it will do is spread fifty-fifty more "variants" of the Chinese Virus and kill more than people – which appears to have been the programme all forth.

We have Donald Trump and his "Operation Warp Speed" scheme to give thanks for this nightmare, by the way. While some of his diehard supporters still insist that Trump should non be blamed considering he was only "misled" past his chiffonier concerning the nature of the injections, Trump himself is aggressively pushing them even to this twenty-four hour period, despite the tens of thousands of known cases of injury and death.

Bear witness continues to mount that Chinese Virus injections were designed to exist a "wearisome" kill for many, meaning their detrimental touch takes a scrap of fourth dimension to manifest. For some, however, injury and death volition come immediately, as we have seen in the headlines as of tardily.

All of this would explain the mad rush to vaccinate people at "warp speed," using any ploy or coercion tactic necessary to reach the desired target. One time enough vaccinated people offset dropping dead, the remaining unvaccinated will more than likely resist, which is why the Biden regime is moving apace to get equally many people injected as possibly, preferably before July 4.

"The powers that exist have your DNA from the swab tests in a database link with an bogus intelligence that volition decide the all-time time for one to die, and information technology will be by a 'natural' crusade like stroke or heart attack," one commenter at wrote about people who are non necessarily vaccinated but who have undergone a covid "test."

"A certain frequency will resonate with the target simply by the mobility tower closest to your habitation. Skynet is not sending droids, just frequencies."

More of the latest news about the expiry and devastation being brought to bear by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections can be found at

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