Accel World Vs Sword Art Online Graphics Card Bypass

Graphite Border (グラファイト・エッジ , Gurafaito Ejji ) is a Level 8 Burst Linker and a sometime fellow member of Nega Nebulus' Elements until he joined Cracking Wall following Black Lotus' disappearance. He is Lotus' former teacher and is widely regarded as the greatest swordsman in all of Brain Flare-up, whose ability exceeds fifty-fifty that of the Kings. He is an Originator, as well as an Isotope.


  • 1 Personality
  • 2 Background
  • three Appearance
  • 4 Plot Outline
    • 4.1 White Legion Arc
      • four.1.1 The Blackness Dual Swordsman
      • 4.ane.2 Pull of the Dark Nebula
      • four.ane.3 God of Demise
  • 5 Avatar
    • 5.1 Graphite Edge
      • v.ane.1 Enhanced Armaments
      • 5.i.2 Abilities
      • five.1.3 Incarnation
      • Techniques
  • half-dozen Gallery
  • 7 Translations
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 References
  • 10 « Characters »

Personality [ ]

Graphite Border is a laid back person, often being dismissive of imminent danger. When faced with difficulties, he rarely exhibits signs of tension, instead remaining equally loose and carefree as always. This trait may arise out of his great conviction in his own abilities.

However, although Graphite Edge acts irresponsibly almost of the time, he can call upon extreme willpower and conclusion at crucial moments. For instance, after the Five Kings were trapped in Infinite EK under the Sun God Inti, Graphite Border voluntarily stayed within the Unlimited Neutral Field for 11 straight months to observe Inti's movements.

In correspondence with his laid back personality, Graphite Edge uses very informal speech communication with many contractions. Furthermore, he gives bizarre nicknames to the people he meets, calling Black Lotus "Lotta", Ardor Maiden "Denden", and Metatron "Shoulderina".

Graphite Edge is known to act unpredictably as the "wild carte du jour" of the "Elements", the executive group of Nega Nebulus. Coming up with unconventional and baroque – albeit genius – ideas, his feats are known across the Accelerated World.

Groundwork [ ]

Graphite Edge was the "Globe" of the Elements, the elemental-themed executive grouping of Nega Nebulus. After Black Lotus reached Level 9 and the Sudden Death Dominion was revealed, Border, who too had enough points to accomplish Level 9, decided against levelling upward.

After Black Lotus' bump-off of Red Rider, Graphite Edge was amidst the legionnaires who persuaded her to attack the Imperial Palace. The moonlit night of the attack, he carried Ardor Maiden on his shoulders as the legion marched towards the impenetrable fortress. In the massacre that followed, Graphite Edge was trapped in Infinite EK at the northern gate of Genbu. Yet, unlike most of the other members of the Elements, he managed to escape by himself. Using a tertiary-phase incarnate skill he invented, he cut through the gates of the imperial palace and got within. Yet, he essentially simply exchanged one prison for another, as his Unlimited Field avatar was now stuck there.

After the fall of Nega Nebulus, Graphite Edge met with the Dark-green King, Green Grandé, to conduct negotiations. The 2 made a deal that if Graphite Edge joined Smashing Wall, the Green Legion would harbor the surviving Nega Nebulus members as a rubber haven. Effortlessly defeating Viridian Decurion, the erstwhile First Chair of Peachy Wall'south executive group, Graphite Border was appointed the Start Armor of Neat Wall.

While stuck inside the palace interior, Graphite Edge took in a protégé by the name of Azure Heir, who was also trapped within the Imperial Palace. Taking reward of the situation, Graphite trained him in the Own Manner using the palace's Enemies as practice dummies.

Advent [ ]

Graphite Edge'due south real world advent is currently unknown.

Plot Outline [ ]

White Legion Arc [ ]

The Black Dual Swordsman [ ]

In the midst of the Nega Nebulus and Great Wall negotiations, Graphite Edge leaps off a two hundred xxx-meter-tall building directly into the middle of the convention. Landing in a prostrate position on his hands and knees, he immediately begins to repent to Kuroyukihime for no credible reason. At this anti-climactic moment, the "Elements" of Nega Nebulus could simply milk shake their heads in exasperation.

Questioned by Kuroyukihime, Graphite Edge explains what he had been doing the past iii years. Subsequently the fall of Nega Nebulus, he had met with the Green King, Dark-green Grandé, to behave negotiations. The two made a deal that if Graphite Border joined Cracking Wall, the Green Legion would harbor the surviving Nega Nebulus members as a rubber haven. Effortlessly defeating Viridian Decurion, the former First Chair of Great Wall's executive grouping, Graphite Edge was appointed the Get-go Chair of the Six Armors. Equally such, he is at present the highest ranked officer in Cracking Wall.

Since the other iv Armors hadn't known the identity of the First Chair, they were greatly shocked that the highest ranked officeholder of Great Wall was actually ex-Nega Nebulus. Furthermore, information technology wasn't just any member of the fallen legion – it was Graphite Edge, also known as "The Anomaly", who was commonly regarded as the strongest swordsman in the entire Acceleration World.

After Graphite Edge's flashy introduction, the meeting got downwards to business. Later on Kuroyukihime explains the treachery of the White Legion and the Dispatch Research Order, she states their request: they wanted Swell Wall to return Shibuya I and II so that they could challenge the White Legion to a Territory Battle. In order to obtain these essential territories, Nega Nebulus would pay whatsoever sum of Burst Points.

Graphite Edge challenges Nega Nebulus to a Territory Battle

However, Green Grandé immediately responds that there was no need for payment – they had already received compensation. Graphite Edge explains that, predicting Kuroyukihime'southward strategy, he had already paid the Greenish Rex a massive corporeality of Burst Points for the two territories. Nevertheless, Graphite Border proclaims that there was one more than condition that had to be met: Nega Nebulus had to defeat Bang-up Wall in a mock Territory Battle.

Irresolute the mode to "Battle Royale", the boxing between the Green and Blackness Legions commenced. Out of sheer luck – or bad luck – the ultra-rare, newly implemented "Space" stage was called. Assessing the situation, Silver Crow judged that Bully Wall was at a huge disadvantage, as they had no long-ranged avatars.

Withal, Graphite Edge immediately closes the altitude in a split second, destroying Nega Nebulus' range advantage. Using the special assail Vertical Square, he cuts autonomously Nega Nebulus' platform, throwing the legion into disarray.

In the skirmish that ensued, Graphite Edge's opponent was the Black Rex, Black Lotus. Holding back and using just one sword, Graphite Border challenges his one-time educatee. Initiating the fight, Black Lotus charges at him. Striking upwards, she manages to knock Graphite Edge into the air. Taking advantage of Graphite Edge's disadvantageous position, she immediately follows with her Death by Piercing special attack.

Graphite Edge cuts off Kuroyukihime'due south arm

However, Graphite Border effortlessly catches her full-powered thrust with his blank hands. Even though Lotus' blades were given the attribute of "Concluding Sword", allowing them to cut through almost anything, Graphite Edge was not damaged at all. Proclaiming that he was the one who had taught Kuroyukihime the Way of the Flexible in the start place, he then cuts off Kuroyukihime's right arm.

Graphite Edge explains to the shocked Kuroyukihime that the zero-gravity environment had profoundly increased the Way of the Flexible'south effectiveness. Thus, he was able to catch her sword with no damage. Getting serious, Kuroyukihime activates her '''Overdrive, Mode Blue''' power. Seeing this unfamiliar technique, Graphite Edge draws his second blade every bit a precaution.

In one case over again, Kuroyukihime initiates the skirmish with a nuance. Seeing her draw her swords in training of an overhead slash, Graphite Edge activated his most powerful defensive power, Cross Cake, just in case. Still, the Black King'due south strike was a feint – immediately changing her momentum, she struck out with her right foot. Reacting with miraculous speed, Graphite Edge manages to block the strike with his swords, cut off her correct human foot. Just Kuroyukihime'south motive lay elsewhere.

With Graphite Edge now in an unstable position, she activates her level viii special attack, Expiry by Embracing. However, Graphite Edge once again reacts with amazing speed, stopping the execution with his two swords. But the outcome was something that neither of them had expected.

In an "unstoppable force meets unmovable object" scenario, their blades ate into each other. Locked together, neither of them could motion. As such, they could only helplessly float in space. Meanwhile, the other members of Nega Nebulus had won their respective battles. Surrounded past his former "Elements" without whatsoever defence, Graphite Border is forced to surrender the mock Territory Battle.

Pull of the Dark Nebula [ ]

When Haruyuki and Fūko infiltrate the Majestic Palace, Graphite Edge leaps out of the shadows and stands adjacent to Trilead Tetroxide. Trilead explains to the shocked Nega Nebulus members that Graphite Border was his teacher – as well equally his Parent.

Graphite Edge appears in the Imperial Palace

Emitting a dangerous aura, Fūko begins to question Graphite Border. The swordsman was supposed to be trapped in Infinite EK at the gate of Genbu, yet here he was, perfectly safe within the Purple Castle. Slightly nervous, Graphite Edge explains that he had escaped Infinite EK on his own very soon subsequently the failed attack on the Imperial Castle three years ago.

Upon hearing this, Fūko blows upwards. She begins to shout at Graphite Edge, explaining how Avidity Maiden had put herself through hell trying to learn Fourth Quadrant Incarnation of large-scale destruction. She had done all of this to costless Graphite Edge from Genbu – however here he was, perfectly safe the entire time.

Visibly disturbed, Graph's tone took on a more serious border. He explains that he wasn't actually complimentary – he had escaped from Genbu's Space EK, but he hadn't gone back over the bridge. Rather, he had escaped to the within of the Castle. As such, he was still trapped within the Imperial Palace, unable to freely navigate the Unlimited Neutral Field.

Notwithstanding, Haruyuki finds a discrepancy in his story. The iv gates were designed to open up merely under ii conditions: the death of the 4 Gods, or the destruction of the inner seal. Neither of these ii requirements were fulfilled in Graphite Border'southward story. In response, Graph tells them that he would explicate more than when they plant a safer place to talk. Thus, the 4 Burst Linkers plus Metatron brand their way to the interior of the Imperial Castle.

After existence fiercely chased by the patrolling enemies, they finally arrive at a safe room. Beginning his explanation, Graphite Edge reveals that a Third stage of Incarnation lay beyond the Offset and Second stages. However, while the First and Second stages included flashy techniques with big gushing OverRays, the Third Stage was almost inconspicuous.

Fed up with Graphite Edge's slow explanation, Metatron intervenes and states that the Tertiary Stage was simply the direct interference of data at the Highest Level. Although he had never met the modest floating icon before, Graphite Border quickly deduces that "Shoulderina" was one of the Iv Saints. Remarking that he had decent optics, Metatron names herself every bit the ruler of the Contrary Cathedral, the Archangel Metatron.

Graphite Edge rants most Metatron

Realizing Metatron's identity, Graphite Edge begins ranting near how he had fought Metatron'south first form a long time ago. After working ridiculously hard, he had managed to solo-kill the Saint. However, he was extremely disappointed to find the Arc chantry empty.

After this short convo with Metatron, the Graphite Edge gets back on topic. He explains that 3rd Stage Incarnation was exactly as Metatron had said before – manipulating miracle from the Highest Level. And since distance and power was meaningless at the Highest Level, Third Stage Incarnation, if completely mastered, would requite the user god-similar powers. With pain in his voice, Graphite Border reflects that information technology would be every bit if the user had administrator privileges

Hearing the capabilities of Third Phase Incarnation, Haruyuki asks if Graphite Edge had mastered Third Phase Incarnation to break through the Castle gate. Rejecting this theory, the black swordsman states that if he had that type of power, he could take simply killed the Iv Gods instead of breaking downwards the Castle gate. No, he had merely skimmed the surface of the Third Stage.

Finally getting to the point, Graphite Edge explains the footing of his Third Stage Incarnate technique. First and Second phase Incarnation simply overwrote the results output by the organisation. However, the system's logic still worked confronting them, weakening the power of the Incarnate technique. In contrast, Third Stage Incarnation worked differently: it directly interfered with the system'southward logic at the base level. By substituting one's own logic for the arrangement's logic, the system itself would support the user'south Incarnate technique.

Using this "absolute" theory, Graphite Border had created a Third Stage Incarnate technique which he dubbed Elucidator. By inserting the logic that "a ane-atom thick blade could cutting through anything" into the Brain Outburst arrangement, the arrangement itself supported Graphite Edge's sword, assuasive the graphene bract to cut through nearly annihilation. Using "Elucidator", Graphite Border was able to insert his sword between the thin crack in the Castle gate and piece the seal from the outside.

To demonstrate, Graphite Edge activates "Elucidator" in the safe room. Turning his sword "Lux" into a one-cantlet thick graphene blade, he smoothly cuts a triangular hole in the invincible floor of the Imperial Castle.

The group and so moves on to the next order of business: The Fluctuating Calorie-free. Travelling through the hole fabricated by "Elucidator", Graphite Edge leads them to the empty pedestals of the Fifth and Sixth Arcs. He explains that for all of the Seven Arcs, only the Kanji and English language names for the 7th Arc, "The Fluctuating Light", correctly corresponded.

Later mentioning this chip of trivia yet, Graphite Edge claims that he does not know any more.

In response, Metatron immediately speaks up. She asserts that every bit a Burst Linker with the power to accomplish the Highest Level and the technique to infiltrate the Regal Palace, Graphite Edge must know more near the secrets of Encephalon Burst. In a passionate speech, Metatron questions the historic period-old Burst Linker about the true purpose of the Accelerated Earth.

In a grave, quiet voice, Graphite Edge states that he would explain more than in one case they reached the Shrine of the 8 Divines. However, just as they reached the deepest part of the Castle, Haruyuki and Fūko's Disconnection Timers ran out. Promising to dive back immediately, the 2 were asunder.

While they were waiting, Graphite Edge leads Trilead to the Arc hall to train. Finding a patrolling baby-sit to do on, he instructs Trilead to battle information technology. When Haruyuki and Fūko render, he tells Haruyuki to help Trilead with the Enemy. Later the two novices finally manage to defeat it, the group returns to the Shrine of the 8 Divines to continue the discussion about the Fluctuating Light.

When they arrive, Graphite Edge begins the story of the Accelerated World's creation:

In the late 2020s, a large-scale state of war was brought about in a virtual earth, with the center of attending being a sure Being – that is, an Artificial Fluctlight. I side of war, led by an individual known as "A", desired the destruction of the Being. The other side, led past an individual known as "B", desired to protect the Beingness.

Developer B (right) contesting Programmer A (left) over the Being (center)

Afterward many years of fighting, both A and B discovered a system panel that gave them ambassador privileges in the virtual world. However, the powers were extremely limited: they could only generate objects and monsters. In other words, the ambassador powers did not allow one side to directly demolish the players of the other.

Thus, as an alternative plan, A tried to lock the Being away in the virtual world instead of directly destroying information technology. Capturing the Being in question, he created an enormous dungeon and sealed it within an Enhanced Armament every bit the Fluctuating Light. Then, he created viii extremely powerful monsters to guard the sealed Being. Finally, he guarded the dungeon itself with four similarly powerful monsters. This dungeon after became the Imperial Palace, and the four monsters, the Iv Gods.

Arriving a few minutes after, B challenged A to a battle and won. Aiming to free the Beingness from the dungeon, he and his army attempted to attack the stronghold. However, the Four Gods were hopelessly strong, and B'southward comrades were killed one after another. Finally, B was forced to retreat.

After this failed assail, B decided to entrust hope to the hereafter instead. Developing a serial of iii games – Accel Attack (AA), Encephalon Outburst (BB), and Cosmos Decadent (CC) – he hoped that someday, players strong enough would penetrate the Royal Palace, defeat the guardian Enemies, and complimentary the Being trapped within.

With this, Graphite Border finishes his story.

After standing stunned for a few seconds, Haruyuki begins to ask questions.

Kickoff, Haruyuki had always felt that there was a huge disparity between the difficulty of the Royal Palace and the difficulty of the rest of Brain Flare-up. Was this because of how the ii regions were designed by two unlike developers? Graphite Edge answers yeah.

Second, couldn't Developer B have just created similarly powerful monsters to assail the Four Gods? Graphite Border responds that arrangement generated monsters could non set on other monsters.

Tertiary, why were the requirements to reach Level 10 so harsh? If Developer B wanted players to get as powerful as possible, why would he force the highest levelled players to impale the other highest levelled players? Graphite Edge theorizes that Level 9 is really the maximum level granted by the system – Level 10 went beyond the system limits. If Level 10 gave the actor the power to go across the system limits, then such harsh requirements weren't surprising at all. Or, perhaps the Developer was but testing them with the hope of Level 10…

4th, why was Brain Burst a fighting game? If the true goal of Brain Burst was to defeat the Four Gods and free the Fluctuating Lite, and then wouldn't a PvE game make more sense than a one-on-1 fighting game? Graphite Edge answers that the PvE method had already been tried. Cosmos Decadent (CC) was a hack-and-slash game with monster hunts every bit the main purpose. Meanwhile, Accel Attack (AA) was a high-speed-shooter game with thespian duels every bit the main purpose. However, both were already closed down – neither of the methods had worked. On the other hand, Brain Burst, BB, which had a remainder of PvP and PvE, was still running.

Finally, what would happen when the Fluctuating Calorie-free was freed? To this concluding question, Graphite Edge responds that even he didn't know. Even so, he was sure of one affair: the outcome would change the real earth.

With this, Haruyuki and Fūko prepared to leave the Imperial Castle. However, Graphite Edge had i final request: he wanted Lead to become with them. In the escape that followed, he stayed at the edge of the Castle gate and repeated sniped Suzaku with Vorpal Strike. With his help, Haruyuki, Fūko, and Trilead successfully escape from the Majestic Palace.

God of Demise [ ]

Equally the strongest swordsman of the Accelerated Globe, Graphite Edge was deemed a necessary candidate for the attack on Apocalypse God Tezcatlipoca. Thus, a articulation performance by the Six Bang-up Legions was conducted, sending an army of the highest levelled Burst Linkers to the Regal Palace's northern gate to free Graphite Border. The functioning was a success, and Graphite Border was freed from the Imperial Palace's captivity.

Avatar [ ]

Graphite Edge [ ]

Graphite Border

Graphite Edge has a circular black caput, not unlike a helmet. On the masculine face mask, he possesses a sharp V-shaped visor. His avatar is equipped with a long blackness glaze with high collars. He too carries ii hyper-diamond swords, named Lux and Umbra, on his dorsum.

As a swordmaster of the highest caliber, Graphite Border is known as the strongest swordsman in the Accelerated World[one]. As such, his skills in close combat are superior to even Black Lotus. Even though she was ane level higher than him, she had never managed to defeat him in their training matches. The merely time she did "win" was by cut off the part of the building he was continuing on, causing him to fall to the ground beneath.[2]

In fact, co-ordinate to White Cosmos, Graphite Border is stronger than whatsoever of the Six Kings of Pure Color in spite of him beingness a whole level lower. Furthermore, even the Archangel Metatron was intimidated past Graphite Edge's presence, sensing that he was a being greater than even the Four Saints. In fact, he had previously managed to defeat Metatron'south first form in a one-versus-one battle, albeit only after many failed attempts.

Since his Duel Avatar's potential is completely specialized towards his dual blades, his naked avatar possesses near no fighting capability. Most of his special attacks are too focused on the use of a unmarried sword. Truthful to his namesake, his defense is so weak that even Avidity Maiden could defeat him in shut gainsay while unarmed. Despite this though, during the territory boxing between Smashing Wall and Nega Nebulus, he was able to effortlessly stop Black Lotus' swords with his bare hands.

His Child is Azure Heir.

Enhanced Armaments [ ]

  • Lux & Umbra – This pair of Enhanced Armaments are identical swords mainly fabricated of hyperdiamond,[2] also known as aggregated diamond nanorods, with a two-centimeter-thick blade of graphene.[3] His swords are and then durable that they permit him to cake almost any physical assail, including Black Lotus' Cease Sword.[4] It is their cutting power and unbreakability together that gave Graphite Edge the nickname "Anomaly".

Abilities [ ]

  • Camber – A Special Move that causes Lux or Umbra, whichever i is being used, to glow blue. Graphite Border then slashes the sword in a slanted path.[v]
  • Vertical Square – Using a single sword, Graphite Edge slashes iv times in the air, drawing a glowing blue lines 3 meters in length that form a vertically oriented square. The square then flies out while spinning, and cuts through its target.[five]
  • Spinning Shield – Spinning his sword at extremely loftier speeds, Graphite Edge creates a spinning shield of low-cal. Greatly constructive confronting "breath attacks", Spinning Shield was even able to end Apocalypse God Tezcatlipoca'southward Tlaxochimaco.[1]

Incarnation [ ]

  • Vorpal Strike – A second stage Incarnate Assault combining Range Expansion and Attack Power, Graphite Edge pulls his sword back to his shoulder and thrusts information technology forward with neat force, extending for many tens of meters. It is known to create a thunderous jet-engine sound.
  • Starburst Stream – A second stage Incarnate Attack combining Range Expansion and Assault Ability, Graphite Edge strikes xvi times in succession using both swords. Hence the name, 16 "stars" are created, eight on each sword, and strike the target every bit ranged projectiles.
  • The Eclipse – A second phase Incarnate Attack combining Range Expansion and Attack Power, Graphite Edge strikes xx-7 times in a mere two seconds, Graphite Edge launches a avalanche of slashes at his target.
  • Elucidator – A 3rd phase Incarnate ability requiring the exchange of one piece of logic into the organization, which in this instance is that an infinitesimally thin blade can cut through anything. This ability, which activates with a metallic sound, causes Graphite Edge's blades to become extremely thin and announced hazy and shadowy. This allows the blade to cut through anything that is not constantly regenerating.[3]

Graphite Edge taught three of these techniques, Vorpal Strike, Starburst Stream, and the Eclipse to Black Lotus.

Techniques [ ]

  • Ain Way – This is Graphite Border'southward mode of swordsmanship. As his student, Black Lotus besides knows this style.[6]

Gallery [ ]

Translations [ ]

  • Graphite Border (グラファイト・エッジ , Gurafaito Ejji )
  • Graph (グラフ , Gurafu )
  • Bibelot (矛盾存在(アノマリー) , Mujun Sonzai (Anomarī) )
  • Lux (ルークス , Rūkusu )
  • Umbra (アンブラ , Anbura )
  • Slant (スラント , Suranto )
  • Vertical Square (バーチカル・スクエア , Bāchikuru Sukuea )
  • Spinning Shield (スピニング・シールド , Supiningu Shīrudo )
  • Vorpal Strike (奪命撃(ヴォーパル・ストライク) , Datsumyō Geki (Vōparu Sutoraiku) )
  • Starburst Stream (星光連流撃(スターバーストストリーム) , Seikō Renryū Geki (Sutābāsuto Sutorīmu) )
  • The Eclipse (光環連旋撃(ジ・イクリプス) , Kōkan Rensen Geki (Ji Ikuripusu) )
  • Elucidator (解明剣(エルシデイター) , Kaimeiken (Erushideitā) )
  • Ain Mode (明陰流(アインりゅう) , Own Ryū )

Trivia [ ]

  • Graphite Border is ambidextrous.[5]
  • Since Graphite Edge has invited Azure Heir, who is presumably a member of the majestic family unit, into the game, he may have connections with the Japanese royal family.
  • Graphite Edge is an Isotope, a grouping of Burst Linkers even older than the Originators. White Creation and Snow Fairy are also Isotopes.[1]
  • White Creation believes that Graphite Edge is stronger than fifty-fifty the 6 Kings of Pure Color. Thus, eliminating Graphite Edge is of top priority for the Acceleration Research Order.
  • Metatron is intimidated past Graphite Edge, sensing that he is a being greater than even the Four Saints.
  • Fans accept theorized that Graphite Edge is in fact Kirito himself, despite Reki Kawahara stating many times that Accel World and Sword Art Online are supposed to exist in different realities, albeit with some references. Nonetheless, at that place is no concrete evidence that supports this argument. He also does non fulfill the criteria for being a Burst Linker.
    • Graphite Edge's sword style, the "Own" fashion[7] and its Dual Wielding specialty, may be a reference to the "Aincrad Mode" from Sword Art Online.
    • The known skills of the Own style include Slant, Vertical Square, Spinning Shield, Vorpal Strike, Starburst Stream, and The Eclipse. All of these are sword skills from Sword Art Online.
    • Vorpal Strike, Starburst Stream, and The Eclipse, are Kirito's signature skills
    • Graphite Edges' Third Stage Incarnate attack Elucidator is Kirito's sword in the Sword Art Online game.
    • Edge'south fighting manner mirrors Kirito greatly, as mentioned by Kirito in Accel World vs. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight. Instead of confirming or denying this, Edge happily laughs it off equally a coincidence.
    • His vox thespian in Millennium Twilight is but credited to ???, and his bodily vocalisation in the game is heavily filltered. His behavior and similarity of vocalisation suggests several implications that his vocalisation player is in fact Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, the same every bit Kirito. Despite this, Graphite Edge's truthful identity (and "official" vocalism actor from the game) remains a mystery.

References [ ]

  1. ane.0 1.1 1.2 Accel World Light Novel Volume 25
  2. ii.0 2.1 Accel World Book 17 side story: Two Black Swords, Two Silver Wings Affiliate 2
  3. iii.0 3.1 Accel World Volume 19 Chapter 1
  4. Accel World Volume 10 side story: Roar of the Sea at the Ends of the Earth Affiliate ii
  5. v.0 five.1 v.two Accel Globe Volume 18 Chapter iii
  6. Accel World Volume 24 Chapter 8
  7. Accel World Calorie-free Novel Volume 24

« Characters »

Pinkish = Current Burst Linker | Gray = Former Outburst Linker


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